Daily Announcements

Students are provided with daily announcements at the start of each day. 


As a reminder, BELLA will be held in the media center and students must sign up on the Student Start Page https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScT-25o7ZuI2IiRw1WsGCbOp8Ci9wEvs6Ba-AtuxglU6NysiQ/viewform



The late bus is available on T/W/Th. Please sign up with the link below:

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwJIOh1Qj7q47A9dJRJV0BtdDU9l0ElXnGldAfiBC2JrwvZw/viewform The late bus will pick up 2:50pm. Please be outside waiting at 2:45pm to ensure you do not miss the bus.

The Italian Club will meet on Monday March 17th in Mr. Palazzo's room right after school.  Please join us as we celebrate Saint Joseph's Day and eat a traditional St Joseph's Day cream puff pastry called zeppole.  Please let Mr. Palazzo know ASAP if you will be attending so we know how many zeppole to bring.  Hope to see you there!   

BHS Seniors Dylan Franklin & Jillian Russell are this year's Civic Liaisons! During the month of March, Dylan and Jillian will be hosting "March-giving" throughout all schools in BSD. All donations received will be shared directly with local organizations to help those in need. Please see the details of what is needed below.

Attention College Bound Seniors

This is an exciting time for seniors as college acceptance letters begin to arrive.  The Guidance Department would like to celebrate your success with you. As your acceptance letters come in, please submit a copy of these letters to your Guidance Counselor.  Our goal is to get all college acceptance letters and show the incredible accomplishments of the Class of 2025.

Note:  We would like to see ALL of your acceptance letters; even those colleges that you have applied to but have now decided not to attend.


Tryouts for tennis will  be held starting Monday, March 17th at 2:30 on the tennis courts.

Girls who want to play lacrosse, make sure you have signed up to play through the athletic website.

Practices start on Monday, March 17th at 2:30 on the lower field, we will see you then!